My favourite season.
So much activity in the garden, most of the spring flowers are blooming.
We are helping the birds as much as we can. Mr France has made some new Bird boxes & we've put out bedding for the taking, this seems to be working. We used to refill this suet cage with food, recently I've been filling it with wadding and the birds have been taking it for sometime. Now I've seen on Mary's blog A Breath of Fresh Air.
she adds bits of lace & shreds of material cut into strips to hers. What a lovely idea. I know the Gold finch make very decorative nests. Some time ago, I found one
with blue forget-me-nots woven in with some of our dogs fur around the edge.
For the past 2 years I've put it out, but it's never been used.
Maybe it's too upmarket in style for our country birds.
How ever I like it as a garden ornament.
If I follow Mary's idea of adding some lace for a bit of luxury,
we might have some posh birds.
or maybe a Robin / Rouge Gorge like this, will take up residence there.
Tucked in the Berberis, I found a nest from last year.I think I'll leave it and keep an eye on it,
maybe it will be refurbished, by some new takers.
Each year I put this little nest, with it's egg in one of the hanging baskets.
This is the area we were working on this time last year.
Then it had to go on hold, when I was unable to do any gardening.
Now due to the resent surgery Mr France had to have, we have
decided it will be staying like this. I like it partly cultivated and the rest
left a bit wild. Later the wild flowers will add lots of natural beauty.
different types of daffodils, from a few years ago.
Even some hidden in an area that certainly needs some tidying up doing.
How is your garden looking, do you have birds building their nests?
Are you putting up bird boxes ? If you've never had a bird box
in your garden, why not try. It's so rewarding watching the birds
busy building their nest, then flying backwards & forwards
feeding their chicks.
I'll be keeping you up to date with the flora and fauna in our garden.
à bientôt
Barbara Lilian