Pansies are one of my favourite winter flowers,
I plant some every autumn.
I love their flowers heads they remind me of smiley faces
This year I put two troughs on the south side of the house
and they were safely sheltered from our storm last week.
Troughs of pansies in full bloom.
Early morning photo taken from the window.
these are dwarf pansies
and we've been enjoying seeing them in flower for some time.
Then after a view days of warm sunshine
the tête à tête daffodils quickly came into bloom.
These tête à tête daffodils are from a few years ago,
I planted them a little later, than the others.
Last year I planted them in hanging baskets.
after they've finished flowering, I store them in a plant pot in the shed.
I found a few more that had been forgotten,they'd already started to shoot .
so while the sun was shining I quickly shoved them into a trough.
Can't really call that gardening.can I ? at the moment.
I'm sorry to say it, but I'm not very enthusiastic .
Do you ever get like that ?
please tell me it's not just me.
Do you ever get like that ?
please tell me it's not just me.
Thought I'd show you a few my pansy paintings
that I've made into cards.
they were painted a few years ago.
I thought if I looked at some of my paintings
it might give me some encouragement, to start again.
I've set up a trestle table, found my sketch books and paper !
So ... until my next post, when ever that will be, I might surprise you.
Might be paintings or progress in the garden.
à bientôt
Barbara Lilian