Towards the end of last week we had a day with not too much rain,
so we thought we'd make a start by visiting the garden centre.
We took advantage of the special offers on these bags of terreau.
Which we will need for the new flower beds.
However it's been far to wet to do any digging,
so I've just been tidying up and snipping a bit here and there.
This blue glazed pot was used for an outside Christmas decoration.
I was ready to pull everything out but I hesitated
as some of the pieces had started to root.
Don't know if it's due to the amount
of rain and very little frost,
but I'll be leaving them
for awhile to see
what happens.
If they grow we could have some more Skimmia
like this, as this is the shrub I cut them from.

The Pieris is very early to flower this year'

this one is Forest Flame
I have three Pieris not sure which variety the others are.

The winter flowering Erica has grown very leggy,
It was fighting for the light, until I did some severe pruning.
like this, as this is the shrub I cut them from.
The Pieris is very early to flower this year'
this one is Forest Flame
I have three Pieris not sure which variety the others are.
The winter flowering Erica has grown very leggy,
It was fighting for the light, until I did some severe pruning.
When we came to live here a French lady who is now a friend
gave me a few tiny rosettes of this plant.
She told me to tuck them into the cracks of a wall, and I would
have the plant for life. Since then I have walls and pots full of them,
and I'm always giving them away. I have since found out the name
which is Sempervivum and I've heard it called the Hen and chic plant.
It's reproducing rosettes all the time.
I'd forgotten all about this plant Aucuba Japonica'Variegata'
It was hidden behind some Photinia, which have grown so big
this poor thing was being smothered, I'd rescued it last year,
look at it now, the leaves all shiny and healthy, with lots of berries.
It was hidden behind some Photinia, which have grown so big
this poor thing was being smothered, I'd rescued it last year,
look at it now, the leaves all shiny and healthy, with lots of berries.
These miniature daffodils where planted in this part of the garden a few
years ago and with a little tidying every now and then, it looks after itself.
It joins the farmers field, so it's always full of wild flowers which I leave.
I also put some Buddleia cuttings a friend gave me and now they are massive
If Buddleia is not pruned back each year, before you know it the shrub
will become a tree. So the secateurs will be working hard
this next week. Come rain or shine.
Can you see all the wild flowers already growing here?
they will fill in when the daffodils are past their best.
Looks like it's creeping buttercups shooting up there.
Further along the bank,wild violets are growing,
there were a lot more until the mouse popped out from this hole
I think he must have damaged the roots, with all the digging.
Each morning Mr France replenishes the bird table with a mixture of seeds
he then scatters some seed around this mouse hole. I've been trying my hardest
to catch him on camera, but he pops in and out so quickly.
he then scatters some seed around this mouse hole. I've been trying my hardest
to catch him on camera, but he pops in and out so quickly.
Well after lots of patience I finally managed to get a few shots of him
As you can see, not a lot of gardening has been done.
But I hope you liked following me around the garden
catching up on some progress I've been able to make.
Hopefully next time, weather permitting I should have lots to show you,
I have new roses to plant and one to move from last year.
which didn't like where it was. A new home needs to be found for it.
I see from some of the blogs I read some of you still have lots of snow.
What a strange winter this has been.
I'm sure you are all looking forward to Spring.
I'll be back soon showing the progress in my garden.
à bientôt
Barbara Lilian
Your garden is looking lovely even though you haven't been able to get as much work done as you would have liked. The mouse is a cute thing - good shot! Those Buddleias grow so quickly!
ReplyDeleteThe mouse and the daffodils and stone wall..a children's book I the making the little til..plump little fella..
ReplyDeleteWay ahead of us you gardens..that's the spirit!
Happy gardening, Barbara! It's lovely to see so much color in your garden in February. It will be so nice to watch your garden growing, while my Midwest garden is still sleeping. We are expecting more snow on Tuesday and Thursday. So, I will cherish your daffodils as I dream my garden dreams! ♡Dawn@Petals.Paper.SimpleThymes
ReplyDeleteSuch a treat to see the greens and colors . . ,
ReplyDeleteThank you for this springtime update . . .
Some of our snow has melted but more is predicted . . .
So it looks like March might arrive like a lion!
Love all the little berries, pinks and things . . .
I am READY . . . with open arms whenever spring feels like happening!
You have such a beautiful garden, Barbara! It looks so nice now, so I can only imagine how gorgeous it will look when your are finished! I love the daffodils; they are such a happy flower! Thanks for bringing us on your garden tour, I have really enjoyed it!
ReplyDeleteEeeeeeek, do you know, Barbara, that I have a dreadful fear of mice?!!! I'm glad you're not as afraid as I am when you tried taking its picture hahaha. Your garden is coming along and it's not even spring in your area. My roses haven't bloomed yet, and wondering if they will. The yellow buttercups look pretty and are such a cheerful flower. That blue pot is very nice, love that color. I wish I had more room in my garden to plant more things, but I guess I'll have to settle with my four rose bushes and a couple pink blossom trees.
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful week, Barbara. Thanks for showing some pics of your garden.
love, ~Sheri
What a good shot of the mouse!
ReplyDeleteI have a pile of bags of soil just like yours. As soon as the rain lets up I'll be using it up. Can't wait to get into the garden for real!
Thanks for the gorgeous flowers...they are all so beautiful. And I ENVY your springtime! Here in Chicago it is still winter...a few warm days here and there, but not spring yet! You are a wonderful flower gardener! I have a garden also, and it is lovely, but not near as large as yours. Of course, at my age, small is GOOD.
ReplyDeleteI so enjoyed wandering through your garden Barbara, you have some lovely plants and I love the stone walls with the daffodils, and the great shots of the tiny mouse!
ReplyDeleteHappy upcoming gardening days - I have many ahead also!
Hugs - Mary
Yeah ...spring is in the gardening....lovely week love Ria x
ReplyDeleteI love your garden. You are ahead of me as I've been getting over a cold. But I am anxious to get in the garden and dig, dig ,dig! The deer have been here looking for something to nibble on. We are warm one day and cold the next. Lots of rain too. So I paint instead. Thanks for sharing your lovely garden.
ReplyDeleteOh Dear Barbara - your pictures of the garden got my fingers itching to be digging in the dirt as well. Your flowers are so beautiful. As for the mouse - he just could not be any cuter. Glad you shared your lovely spot. Hugs!
ReplyDeleteYour garden is beautiful. It's lovely when you can see everything springing back into life.
ReplyDeleteThe little mouse is very cute. Have a lovely Easter :)